white walls.

Those open shelves to die for. The timeless white airy walls. Any object placed or hung gets all the attention and drama. Simple. Understated. Nummy.

Some of you have that ability in you – to go white. I’m drawn to a white room – but I just can’t. So why not? Is it the scarcity I fear? The absence? Or is it really not about me at all. Hmm…

I think there is a bigger problem that I am wrestling with here…

If you happen to abide in a home with structure: wooden floors, 6 inch baseboards, 6 panel doors with glass door knobs; I consider you – one of those. Hear me, I am for you. (yes, including the two of you) You are wise, you chose well and are now reaping the benefits of your home. You could leave a room empty, with white walls and I would walk in feeling all womb-like and cozy.

Then there are – those of us – who for whatever reason or seemingly good excuse at the time, succumbed to the purchase of a 1970′s, or 80′s (split level!) house in the burbs with berber carpet, trim-less drywall corners, paper thin baseboards, and hollow fake doors.

A room like this left white can leave the feeling of a small town dentist’s lobby. May as well throw a mauve and grey patterned couch along the wall with a Monet plastic framed poster hung too high and a fake dusty plant in the corner. Close the blinds and just kill me now.

So clearly, you can see my problem. And I know I am not alone. I have not given up and will continue to pull tricks out of my sleeve to get there – to rooms that are warm and punchy. With layers of depth, comfort and realness. Basically bringing a room from death to life. Please. Because that bleak room above is honestly so depressing. And I refuse to die here.

But I just can’t go white.

The photo representing one of those by harthillsouth
The sad photo representing one of us by anselor

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One Comment

  1. Posted September 2, 2010 at 11:31 am | Permalink

    Oh my gosh you hit the nail on the head – and left quite a mark on the white walls, which now need to be painted a vibrant, life-filled color, for sure.

    The thing is, you can pull it off girl – that suburban, split-level, bursting-with-inspiration house of yours. And you do!!

    No white walls needed.

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