happy hour.

happy hour | the both andHey, friends! It’s been another both/and week for all three of us, and we’re soooo ready for the weekend. In fact, the girls and I are meeting up shortly for a few Friday night beverages and some good, solid catching up. Mmmmm.

Speaking of catching up, here’s a look at what we’ve been up to this week:

outs and ins | emily
a happy hour | A few moments peace to whip out a kitschy she-made-it.
a busy hour | Annnnd the peace is over (but the fun isn’t!).
there-in lies the problem. and there. there too. |  Yep. The Kitchen Dilemma.

shorts and longs | julie
storm watchers | Three moms, five kids and one dog brave a wild summer storm.
we’ve come a long way, baby | Julie celebrates 14 years of R-girl.
my apologies (and other non-apologies) | Sorry. It matters.
welcome to r-house | A slightly serendipitious she-made-it.

olds and news | heather
green chips | A delicious (nutritious!) she-might.
green chip try #1 | A to-be-continued she-made-it.
i love green | It’s true. And part 3 to she-made-it/she-might.

Here’s wishing you a weekend that is both long and restful. Love to you!
- written by Julie, for the both and girls

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