adventure for dannyboy.

A first for dannyboy.

With cousin Grif he begins his own extended stay in Colorado as an official camper.

Winding up the log framed path are these adorable a-frame cabins. Just plunked here and there with humble pride.

Something about their littleness and sturdiness both kill me. The front lined porch is practical, fitting and just plain cute. I can just picture the pow-wow time with their cabin buddies and counselors.

The classic bunk bed is so sweet. I can see the dark cozy hours with flash lights, then the cabin full of sleeping tired bodies (hopefully sleeping).

We are leaving tomorrow and driving miles and miles (and miles!) away from not only The Teen, but dannyboy too, both of whom will no longer be under our roof, but in their own little to die for spaces.

As dannyboy transitions to being an official camper under the counselors care, we catch each other’s eye here and there and he gives me a little wave. The topper was him running down the hill for one last hug.

Here is official record of the dannyboy initiated hug. And the mom who is attempting to be casual but clearly hanging on a bit too long.

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  1. Posted August 6, 2010 at 2:27 pm | Permalink

    I love this adventure for D! And the cabins are killing me. I want one in my backyard, my dream backyard that is.

  2. Barb Ylitalo
    Posted August 12, 2010 at 12:58 pm | Permalink

    Can you imagine the adventure them two will find? The cabins itself lend to creative thoughts. What a blast!

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