light birthday to julie.

This woman is walking.

She is living and breathing and hurting.

And has been for quite some time.

One step at a time she is taking steps towards what is light.

Even when it feels heavy.

She stands tall.

She stands beautifully.

This is the chapter for now.

Today I want to just say – a few nice things.

1. creative!!! woman. she can whip up something clever and whimsical on a whim.

2. she is a finder. whether that is truth, love or compassion. or a free chair at the end of the driveway, a pink oven, a stack of bibles from the 1800′s, a table umbrella…I could go on and on.

3. she is a very very good friend. she can laugh, share, and play. and she can even enjoy sharing a meal, (she loves to eat) as long as there is no garlic, wheat or dairy.

I love you Julie.

Hoping you can feel a bit lighter on your feet today… and your tomorrow’s.

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One Comment

  1. Posted October 3, 2010 at 8:21 pm | Permalink

    wow. What do you say to that? What do you say to having a friend who’s got your back, even in the midst of the ickiest ick? Other than… thank you?

    Thank you for hoping for me, Em. I DO long for lighter. Lightness. Light. Is that up ahead? If you see it, I’ll let you believe on my behalf, and I’ll just keep walking.

    Thank you for walking with me. Thank you, friend!

One Trackback

  1. By happy hour! on October 8, 2010 at 3:57 pm

    [...] and ins | emily little birthday to julie. | it’s a light wish for lighter days. striking out. | and not striking gold, ugh! if the shoes [...]

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